
HaDSCO is an independent Statutory Authority which operates under several Western Australian legislative frameworks, including:

  1. Carers must be treated with respect and dignity.
  2. The role of carers must be recognised by including carers in the assessment, planning, delivery and review of services that impact on them and the role of carers.
  3. The views and needs of carers must be taken into account along with the views, needs and best interests of people receiving care when decisions are made that impact on carers and the role of carers.
  4. Complaints made by carers in relation to services that impact on them and the role of carers must be given due attention and consideration.

A carer who believes a relevant service provider has not met their obligations in the Carers Charter should firstly raise their concerns with the service provider involved. If the matter is not resolved, the carer can contact HaDSCO.

HaDSCO also provides services in the Indian Ocean Territories in partnership with the Australian Government. Western Australian legislation is applied to the Indian Ocean Territories as part of HaDSCO’s Service Delivery Arrangement with the Australian Government.

Last Updated: 25/06/2024