If you are having difficulty accessing this website, please let us know. If you are having difficulty accessing our complaints form, or the complaints enquiries phone line, please see below for more options.
Do you need an interpreter?
HaDSCO uses the Australian Government’s Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS National) on request.
Please let us know which language you prefer and we will organise an interpreter at no cost to you.
Or you can call TIS National interpreting service on 131 450 and arrange for them to contact us.
You also have the option to request a male or female interpreter.
Translated Consumer Brochures
HaDSCO offers consumer brochures translated in 6 languages:
- Arabic
- Malay
- Chinese (Simplified)
- Cocos Malay
- Italian
- Vietnamese
We also have an Easy English version of our consumer brochure available here.
If you require brochures translated into other languages, please let us know.
Do you have a hearing or speech impairment?
If you are deaf, or have a hearing or speech impairment, please contact us through the National Relay Service (NRS). The NRS has specially trained staff called Relay Officers who help with every call.
Depending on the type of call, a Relay Officer will change voice to text or text to voice and AUSLAN to English or English to AUSLAN (for video calls only).
For TTY users (Type and Read) call
Metro: 133 677 and then ask for (08) 6551 7600
Country: 1800 555 677 and then ask for 1800 813 583
For Speak and Listen users (Voice Relay) call
Metro: 1300 555 727 and then ask for (08) 6551 7600
Country: 1800 555 727 and then ask for 1800 813 583
Video Relay users
Open Skype and contact NRS VIDEO RELAY SERVICE and then ask to contact (08) 6551 7600
NRS Chat / Internet Relay users
Connect to the National Relay Service via the internet (click here)
Metro: then ask for (08) 6551 7600
Country: then ask for 1800 813 583