Strategies and Plans

Disability Access and Inclusion Plan

The HaDSCO Disability Access and Inclusion Plan (DAIP) 2023-27 ensures that people with disability can access our information, services and facilities.

The Disability Services Act 1993 (WA), the Disability Discrimination Act (1992) (Cth) and the Equal Opportunity Act 1984 (WA) are three key pieces of legislation which guide our DAIP.



The strategies within HaDSCO’s DAIP are categorised into seven outcome areas:

  • Access to services and events.
  • Access to buildings and facilities.
  • Access to information.
  • Quality of service.
  • Complaint opportunities.
  • Public consultation opportunities.
  • Employment opportunities.

HaDSCO’s DAIP is available in alternative formats such as large print. To request alternative formats, please contact us.


Multicultural Plan

HaDSCO’s Multicultural Plan is guided by the Western Australian state government’s Western Australian Multicultural Policy Framework (WAMPF) and its three priority areas of:

  • Harmonious and inclusive communities.
  • Culturally responsive policies, programs and services.
  • Economic, social, cultural, civic and political participation.

Our Multicultural Plan 2021-2025 outlines the actions we will take over a three-year period to achieve the following goals:

  • Provide a complaint handling service that is accessible to Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CaLD) groups within the community.
  • Engage with CaLD community groups and CaLD specific health service providers.
  • Create a workplace that encourages diversity and inclusion.

Our Multicultural Plan is available on request and can be provided in other languages. To request a copy, please contact us.


Strategic Plan

HaDSCO’s Strategic Plan 2023-27 sets out our key priorities under Service One and Service Two, and provides an overarching guide for our operational and business plans.

Service One: Assessment, negotiated settlement, conciliation and investigation of complaints.

Service Two: Education and training in the prevention and resolution of complaints.



The five areas of strategic focus for 2023-27 are listed below:


Receive, Resolve, Reform

Manage complaints in a professional, impartial, confidential and efficient manner with quality outcomes.

  • We ensure our services are accessible to all individuals who wish to make complaints about services provided by the health, disability and mental health sectors.
  • We provide an impartial, efficient and high quality service to resolve complaints through assessment, negotiated settlement, conciliation, and/or investigation.
  • We work with the relevant parties to facilitate redress where appropriate and to identify systemic improvement.

Educate and Train

Engage, Evaluate, Educate

Inform, educate and empower the community and service providers to prevent complaints.

  • We contribute towards keeping communities well informed about complaints resolution processes.
  • We develop strategies to engage with diverse and vulnerable communities.
  • We strive for increased collaboration with stakeholders, including key advocacy groups, associations and university groups.
  • We use data collection, analysis and reporting to inform and guide our services.


Cooperate, Comply, Communicate

Deliver our services within a sound governance framework.

  • We operate in accordance with high level ethical principles, abide by all public sector requirements and are respected for our integrity.
  • We demonstrate our accountability to stakeholders by providing access to the principles, policies and procedures that govern our operations, and detail our commitment to them.
  • We have the tools, technology and ICT infrastructure to be efficient and accountable.
  • We enable and empower our staff through clear and effective policies, processes and delegation of authority.

Respond to changing environments

Review, Respond, Redefine

Respond appropriately to our changing environments.

  • We work with internal and external stakeholders to identify and evaluate emerging issues.
  • We adapt our service delivery to meet the changing needs of stakeholders.
  • We understand that success requires transformation, digitisation and innovative technology and purposeful data to continue to adapt.


Culture, Capacity, Care

Attract, develop and support a skilled workforce.

  • We create a safe and inclusive workplace that embraces diversity and supports the wellbeing of our people.
  • We identify and address key workforce issues and recognise the challenges staff face managing complaints.
  • We build trust and confidence through developing and maintaining meaningful relationships.
Last Updated: 25/06/2024