HaDSCO wins Bronze at the 38th WA Lonnie Awards

The Health and Disability Services Complaints Office (HaDSCO) received the Category 1 Bronze Award at the 2023 Lonnie Awards ceremony, hosted by The Institute of Public Administration (IPAA WA).
Category 1 is open for public sector organisations with less than 100 staff, and HaDSCO’s Annual Report was ranked in the top three out of 48 organisations.
The Lonnies recognises high standards in annual reporting across the WA State Public Sector, and is judged by a panel of independent academic, private and state government representatives.
The judges’ panel commented on the report’s impressive visual tone and structure.
“(The document) provides a focussed and clear outline of performance priorities and outcomes, complemented by case studies”, they said.
HaDSCO Director Sarah Cowie said that most importantly the award demonstrated the team’s high-quality service, and the team’s commitment to their role in supporting the community and the sectors.
“We have been so fortunate to have an outstanding customer delivery team, supported through strategy and good governance. I‘m pleased that our Annual Report could reflect the great work we do with the community and health and disability sectors,” she said.
The 2021-22 HaDSCO Annual Report demonstrated how the team managed almost 3000 complaints that led to 261 redress actions, and 60 service improvements for the health sector. It also included an acknowledgement of the Office’s 25-year anniversary after it was opened in 1996.
The HaDSCO 2021-22 Annual Report is available here.