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Ahpra and Ombudsman WA join us for Pride Fair Day 21 November 2024 Last Sunday we joined Ahpra and Ombudsman WA at Pride WA’s Fairday. It was wonderful to meet so many people and celebrate WA’s LGBTQIA+ community.It was an eventful day filled with some insightful conversations, plenty of stalls, and performances – including a dog show! Held this year at Supreme Court Gardens, we all had a fantastic time participating in the event and reminding those who dropped in at our stall that they have the right to safe and ethical healthcare. As seen in the image to the right, at least 50 people have now heard of HaDSCO and the services we provide. Those that put a sticker on our board were put into a draw for the chance to win a $100 Smart Rider voucher. Congratulations to our winner, we know you’ll travel far. If you weren’t able to see us this Sunday, but are concerned about the healthcare you have received, you can still contact...
Have a Go Day with Ahpra and Ombudsman WA 15 November 2024 Earlier this week we joined our friends at Ahpra and Ombudsman WA for Have a Go Day at Burswood Park. Almost 15,000 people attended the event and participated in over 200 free activities and information stalls. It was wonderful to meet so many people and receive feedback on our services. It’s important for us to connect with our community members and inform them of their right to safe and ethical healthcare. If you are unhappy with the healthcare you have received, you can make a complaint here.
Ahpra joins us for afternoon tea 08 November 2024 This week the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (Ahpra) joined us for afternoon tea to discuss how we can further collaborate to provide better outcomes for those that seek our services. HaDSCO and Ahpra work closely together to improve the quality and safety of health services. Thank you to Ahpra for joining us. We look forward to our continued work together. More information about HaDSCO’s and Ahpra’s services are available here.
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