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Youth Week 9-16 April 2021 13 April 2021 This year’s theme Youth Week theme is Our Path. Inspired by wayfinding stars, it acknowledges the convergence of our individual paths to form a community, to where we are now, and questions how we are going to move forward. The Health and Disability Services Complaints Office (HaDSCO) is an independent Statutory Authority offering an impartial resolution service for complaints relating to health, disability and mental health services in Western Australia and the Indian Ocean Territories.There are no age limits when raising a complaint with HaDSCO. Young people are encouraged to make complaints about health, disability or mental health services, on their own behalf or with help from a parent, carer, guardian or advocate. Young carers can also make complaints on behalf of someone they care for. For further information, please see ourMaking a complaint – tips and advice for youn...
HaDSCO Brochure - Arabic translation 12 April 2021 The Health and Disability Services Complaints Office (HaDSCO) produces a range of publications for consumers and service providers, including translations. The HaDSCO brochure is now available inArabic. Printed copies of brochures and information sheets are available free of charge.Please contact our Communications and Engagement Officer on 08 6551 7620. Please see our Publicationspagefor more information.
Visit to Northam and Merredin - 29-31 March 2021 23 March 2021 The Health and Disability Services Complaints Office (HaDSCO) undertakes a number of events and activities each year to raise awareness of our services and strengthen accessibility to our Office. This includes undertaking a number of Regional Awareness and Accessibility Program (RAAP) activities in regional areas. The Program is coordinated with the Ombudsman Western Australia, the Energy and Water Ombudsman, the Commonwealth Ombudsman, and the Equal Opportunity Commission. The latest visit will be conducted in Northam and Merredin in the Wheatbelt Region from 29 to 31 March 2021. The Program includes an information stall and complaints clinics where members of the public can bring their concerns to us, meetings with the Aboriginal community, and visits to, and liaison with health, disability and mental health service providers and community organisations. Download the Complaint Clinic p...
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