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Celebrating 40 years in the public sector 05 September 2023 A big congratulations to Sarah Cowie, HaDSCO’s Director, who today celebrated 40 years in the public sector. This is a fantastic milestone, and one that highlights the significant amount of work she has contributed towards helping the Western Australian community. "I feel very honoured that I have been able to contribute to the public sector and the community for 40 years, and to have worked with so many dedicated and special people throughout my career," said Sarah. Once again, congratulations to Sarah! We look forward to seeing what you will achieve in the years to come.
Perth Disability Connection Expo 2023 01 September 2023 We teamed up with theAustralian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (Ahpra)for the Perth Disability Connection Expo. With over 200 exhibitors, the event aimed to help Western Australians living with a disability to connect with the support services they need. We shared a stall with Ahpra across the two days of the expo, showcasing our strong partnership and informing eventgoers about their health care rights. We recognise the issues people with a disability may face when accessing health care, and continue to play an important role in the disability sector through non-NDIS services complaints handling. For more information, read ourComplaints about disability servicesinformation sheet. Colouring Competition Winner A big thank you to everyone who entered our colouring competition at the Expo, and a special congratulations to Rosefor winning the $100 SmartRider prize!
Kate brings home gold 30 August 2023 Congratulations to Kate Colley from HaDSCO’s Business Services team for her efforts at the 8th World Dwarf Games. Kate represented Australia at the 2023 World Dwarf Games held at the Deutsche Sport Hochschule (German Sports University) in Cologne, Germany. After competing with more than 500 athletes from over 20 countries, she returned home with a gold medal for badminton (class 1) and a silver medal as part of Australia’s women’s basketball team. Well done Kate, we’re so proud of you!
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