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Celebrating International Women’s Day with the EOC 11 March 2024 In celebration of International Women’s Day this year, we partnered with the Equal Opportunity Commission (EOC) for the City of Perth’s Stall in the Mall. Held in the heart of the CBD, the event allowed us to connect and inform women about their rights under the Equal Opportunity Act 1984 and the Health and Disability Services (Complaints) Act 1995. This includes their right to fair treatment, and to safe and ethical health care. Additionally, in recognition of this year’s theme “Count Her In: Invest in Women. Accelerate Progress.”, HaDSCO’s Director, Ms Sarah Cowie, joined the EOC for their annual speed mentoring event in Albert Facey House. This involved ten women, who have excelled in their field, sharing their knowledge and wisdom to a group of young women to foster a new generation of female leaders. “I was delighted to be part of the speed ...
HaDSCO and Co reach out down south 14 December 2023 The HaDSCO team was pleased to join the Commonwealth Ombudsman, State Ombudsman, Equal Opportunity Commission, Telecommunications Industry Ombudsman and Aboriginal Legal Service in Esperance this month. The team met with communities and service providers to learn about local issues and find out how accountability agencies can better support regional towns.
HaDSCO and Ahpra team up to meet Perth crowds 21 November 2023 It was a fantastic couple of days getting out and meeting people at PrideFEST Fairday and Have a Go Day with our friends from Ahpra. Fairday at Hyde Park was an opportunity to celebrate the large and varied LGBTIQA+ community, have some great chats and find out more about how we can help rainbow communities. Have a Go Day at Burswood Park drew in WA’s senior community with displays featuring entertainment, leisure and maintaining health; the best things to look forward to after retirement. Congratulations to our survey competition winners. We know you’ll go far with your $100 SmartRiders!
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